Network Management Protocols Configuration

SNMP Configuration
=> Set a read-only (ro) community string called academy:
Router(config)#snmp-server community academy ro

=> Sets a read-write (rw) community string called academym
Router(config)#snmp-server community academy rw

=> Defines an SNMP string that describes the physical location of the SNMP server
Router(config)#snmp-server location 2nd Floor IDF

=> Defines an SNMP string that describes the sysContact information
Router(config)#snmp-server contact Scott Empson 555-5243

Configuring Syslog
=> Enables logging to all supported destinations.
Router(config)#logging on

=> Logging messages will be sent to a syslog server host address

=> Logging messages will be sent to a syslog server host named sysadmin
Router(config)#logging sysadmin

=> Sets the syslog server logging level to value x, where x is a number between 0 and 7 or a word definding the level. The table that follows provides more details.
Router(config)#logging trap x

=> Stamps syslog messages with a sequence number.
Router(config)#service sequence-numbers

=> Syslog messages will now have a time stamp included.
Router(config)#service timestamps log datetime

Configuring NetFlow

Verifying NetFlow

Network Management Protocols Configuration Network Management Protocols Configuration Reviewed by Anonymous on 8:25:00 PM Rating: 5